Thursday, January 27, 2011

Foro Romano


Today we took a trip down to the  Roman Forum. In the sixth century B.C., the Roman Forum began as a common burial site for the Latium tribes living on the Palatine and Capitoline hills. Then, for some reason, these tribes drained the Forum (Cloaca Maxima) and began using the Forum as a place for public businesses. Throughout the Roman period, the Forum was home to Cicero's passionate speeches, Caesar's murder, and other political actions that resounded throughout the Western world. The Forum is where the Lupercalia and Saturnalia were celebrated. Truly it was the center for business, religion, and politics. Temples were used as banks, treasuries, forums for political discourse as well as religious rites. Furthermore, the oldest Latin inscription was found under a black marble stone known as the Lapis Niger. The inscription, though Latin, was written with Greek letter. Furthermore, though the Forum became less a commercialized area in the Imperial era since Emperors built  their own forums, the Roman Forum still retained all  its  importance. For example, Constantine, though stationed in Constantinople, continued to decorate and bring in monuments to the Roman Forum. Lastly, the Roman Forum provided the people with remembrance of their ancient beginnings. Here are fotos for you guys to enjoy!!!

The Coliseum from Via dei Fori Imperali

Foro Romano

Temple of Saturn

Palatine Hill

Palatine Hill

Here some scholars believed used to be where Romulus' hut was located on the Palatine. Notice the holes for posts.

Roma from the Palatine

Garden on the Palatine

Palatine Hill and Roma horizon

The Coliseum from the Palatine

Arch of Titus

Arch of  Titus

Relief from the Lacus Curtius

Temple of Saturn

Temple of Saturn

The columns of the Temple of Vespasian and Titus

 The remains of the Temple of Concord

Temple of Concord

The Temple of Saturn

The Temple of Saturn. The front row columns (behind the side column) were taken from the Forum of Trajan

Arch of Septimius Severus

Arch of Septimius Severus

The Altar of Saturn

The Aerarium - The Roman Republic Treasury

Basilica Julia

Temple of Castor and Pollux

This is the remains of Augustus' Arch

Temple of Castor and Pollux

An entrance to the Cloaca Maxima

The podium of the first Temple of Castor and Pollux

The Imperial Rostra

Inside the Curia Iulia

Arch of Septimius Severus

Curia Iulia

The Temple of Vesta (Rebuilt by Mussolini)

The Regia

The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina

Basilica Aemilia

1 comment:

  1. Bien Juan, volveremos a ver nuevamente a Roma
    La verdad que cada visita, la va completando detale por detalle

    Me gustan tus fotos porque van a los detalles, algunas puertas. incrustaciones de mármoles, las maravillosas pequeñas cosas que rara vez se ven o alguien mira.

    Pensá si no te convendría ( si te sobra tiempo... estaré loco?) fotografiar una buena cantidad, sobre todo de esos detalles.... No te faltará al volver tratar de venderlas, a Revistas, Agencias de viajes... y porque no algunas charlas...EN LATIN con proyecciones propias en tu Universidad.

    Tengo otra curiosidad.
    De entrada tu blog, nos saluda de una manera Imperial:


    ¿como tendríamos que contestarte....?????

    SALVETE JUAN... o John.....o Juancho... o Jhoannes.... ja ja
    , es en broma, pero en serio me gustaría que me dieras la versión exacta

    un abrazo

